Wednesday 3 December 2014

Hypocrisy In Kenya !!

Hypocrisy In Kenya The recent events in media in Kenya is enough proof of the quantity of freedom that is in Kenya .It is a land where ,in religion ,one does whatever he or she feels is right in this universe and still be protected by the law of the land. Anyone can just wake up and interfere with another's life in the name of religion and still escape the claws of the law comfortably. Some of the religious men just wake up and speak whatever can earn them the days’ piece of bread and then the following day, deny it that they never pronounced anything from their mouths ,and the law, will still let them repeat it tomorrow or even go and discuss it on radio shows or on television shows. The Kenyan government and its people doesn’t even worry to go and scrutinize the quality of the services that this religious groupings are giving their people even when there is enough evidence that someone is humiliating the meek with false praises on the name of the Lord God. The Hypocrisy rates in Kenya are alarming!! The Pastor Kanyiri, or whatever they call him, is the true incarnation of Lucifer himself; he impersonates the righteous people in history and in our current world in order to lure people in to his traps! You needn’t ask what is happening, you have already heard it, he is Lucifer’s’ offspring!! What could be the right step to take legally against this hypocrisy?

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