Wednesday 1 January 2014


This is a spot in the nyagacho living areas of kericho town in Kenya.The place,which is highly invested by youths,is just a bout a hundred meters from The nyagacho taxi stand.Whatever made them to name the spot Gaza city,nobody knows and there are no Arabs in that place!!So,Whatever goes on between these youth and The Gaza city or what goes on in the copntry of  Israel,we can't know !!!!
This is a spot in the nyagacho living areas of kericho town in Kenya.The place,which is highly invested by youths,is just a bout a hundred meters from The nyagacho taxi stand.Whatever made them to name the spot Gaza city,nobody knows and there are no Arabs in that place!!So,Whatever goes on between these youth and The Gaza city or what goes on in the copntry of  Israel,we can't know !!!!

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