Tuesday 12 August 2014

Twenty Most Dangerous movies of All Time: Guts-and-all account of JC's final 12 hours on Earth.

(Mel Gibson, 2004)
Guts-and-all account of JC's final 12 hours on Earth.
Danger, danger! When Mel told the world his Jesus movie was about “love, hope, faith and forgiveness”, what he forgot to mention was that it also featured agonisingly extended sequences of beatings, torture and death.
This apparently came as a shock to 57-year-old Peggy Law Scott, who died of a heart attack during the grisly crucifixion scene at a cinema in Texas.
The film's depiction of Jesus' Jewish tormentors also revved up a far-reaching anti-Semitic debate around Gibson, which resurfaced following his 2006 collaring for drunk-driving.

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